Project Strategy
Homestead Remade is a speculative single family home being constructed in the urban village of Columbia City in Seattle, Washington. This project will showcase the philosophy that Seattle's century old single family building stock has an abundance of character, material and cultural wealth that should be nurtured and built upon rather than leveled and lost. Rejecting the paradigm that speculative building must be uninspiring, wasteful and riddled with unhealthy building practices, we strive to build Homestead Remade to the standards of the Living Building Challenge 3.0. The LBC outlines a series of comprehensive building performance requirements through seven "Petals" that prescribe forward thinking imperatives for site development, materials, net positive energy, net positive water, interior health, equity and beauty. Follow these petal icons to learn our strategies in crafting Homestead Remade to be one of the most sustainable single family homes in the world.